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Should I convert my concrete driveway into a pavers driveway?

Many people consider converting their concrete driveway into pavers driveway. It's an excellent idea considering benefits of pavers.

Paving stones come different colors and shapes. They look beautiful and add so much aesthetic value to your home’s outdoor spaces, whether its a patio in the backyard or your home’s driveway.

If you’re considering converting your concrete driveway into pavers driveway, you can now get a good idea how that project will turn out by simply using DreamzAR App.

Design and visualize this makeover project in quick steps

  • Scan your home's driveway with DreamzAR App

  • Select option to add new ground cover and mark rectangular area with its drawing tool

  • Select one of the paver colors and pattern for ground cover texture

Here is an example. This home's concrete driveway is now fitted with beautiful pavers.

Design and visualize in real time. Try different colors to get an idea how pavers will look on your driveway.

Different colors and patterns

DreamzAR app has many paver color options to choose from. Note that actual colors and textures depend on what specific products are available in your region.

What about different patterns of colors and pavers?

Paving stones are laid out in different patterns. Typical examples are herringbone, running bond, basketweave pattern etc. DreamzAR App has few options to choose from when it comes to few patterns.

DreamzAR app includes many colors and patterns of paving stones and we will continue to add more. Try DreamzAR app and make your imagination come to life. Tell us in the comments below about your experience with DreamzAR.

Download DreamzAR App on Apple App Store.

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